What's up with these

Today is my day off, and because the weather isn't looking that great I think I will stay in, lay on the couch beneath a blanket, and watch Gossip Girl (again).
 I just love this series, the clothes, the people.
Have you seen Gossip Girl ? If you don't then hurry up and go watch it ;)
Gossip Girl is besides Sex and the City my favourite girl series to watch.
I watch these kind of series when Sander is not at home, because this is not his cup of tea ;)
About the outfit, I have chosen for a really simple look to let the sunglasses stand out.
Hope you'll like it !

TOP - Mango / JACKET - Vila / TROUSER - Pieces / SHOES - Vans / SUNGLASSES - Brillenbaas.nl

Photos by: Sander van Sluijs

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Meet The Author

Meet The Author
Yasmin Ooteman
E-mail: mixofme@gmail.com